Stake With Confidence
We provide top-tier support and consultation for individual investors, businesses, and non-profit organizations.

Guidance Every Step of the Way
Join Our Pool
CarPool is a mission-driven stakepool working to build resilient community members and small businesses through blockchain adoption. We’re getting there together and picking up friends along the way.
Ticker: VROOM
Pool ID: pool1zwqrrwpr5zx7c3f4ukpu4r4fz5c2hkwx9vwqka5068urgqvpjzr
Lifetime ROA
Active Stake
CarPool server infrastructure has multiple built in redundancies to maintain top performance. Each relay is connected with a low latency, high speed connection for best possible block propagation. Every node is monitored 24/7 with event notification; and backup nodes are ready to take over block production automatically. Datacenters benefit from redundant internet connectivity and power supply systems.